PRESS CENTER (Need to add mention of articles)
- Elephants with Guns on that site Taz was mentioning.
Have you ever longed to or in fact taken a journey into another land, to connect with the people and fully realize your own true identity? If the answer is yes, then you already share a lot in common the principle of what Intarsia Media calls the interethnic art movement.
>In a nutshell-assume that "interethnic art" is basically- again in - layman terms-
>learning - living- "injecting yourself-into another culture's lifestyle!!!!!
>so the word "inter ethnic" means to basically imerse yourself in their culture and
>lifestyle as "they" or "theirs" live it breathe it eat it clothe it play it etc???? And >trying to simultaneously maintain a bi or multi-cultural identity (in other words total >submission is not prerequisite.)
Yes all of this, and then taken it one step further by creating art based on such experiences.
> so is this interethnic art ( the simplified version) basically learning and living anothers lifestyle????
Interethnic art is learning and living other lifestyles and in the process finding an identity that is natural to you in that culture and then taking it one step further by making art based on the new state of mind you enter by engaging the culture with such intention.
Maybe someday some environmental themes will be brought back out to the forefront of my activities but that is not the main focus. The main focus is music, dance, theatre and visual arts.
> So while learning all of this - you are also trying to incorporate "The 11th Hour" and its
> message of living "green" to other countries and cultures????????
Yes, that is part of the message of the 11th Hour, to start thinking in greener terms and trying to realize the idea of sustainable development.
> I am just trying to grasp it all and how it is all supposed to come together. Like when
> you were on your trip were you there to talk and promote the 11th hour?? which is
> what I thought - is the final outcome to all of this??????
It just so happens that during the process of doing that project I more fully realized exactly what I want to do the most... to promote the interethnic art movement. You mentioned that you like the word "movement", you were referring to this section called "Where History Can Be Made":
> Is IS a website for interethnic art to go alongside 11th hour another part added to the
> whole takes me a while to process
So the 11th hour project is one of the many many projects engaged in by Intarsia Recordings, Media and Productions Co. (my company).
- All material made by interethnic artist do not require they go there, but associate with the people and the principles of anthropology in order to lead a lifestyle relevant to interethnic art.