Intarsia Transethnic Arts works to produce and exhibit  interethnic artworks and processes.  We also conduct and report research findings about its canonical formscope and application in the artistic, entertainment, ethical and academic realms as well as indigenous copyright issues.

Transethnic [trānz-eth-nik] Art is a new term for a new idea that engages an art making process that differs from collaborative forms of international art and multicultural art.  And in musical terms, it differs from "world music".  The term is in need of consensus about a set of standards and techniques.  After years of experimentation, we believe that in most basic terms, interethnic artists are those deeply involved with two or more other ethnic cultures; and making art based on these experiences.

Intarsia [in-tahr-see-uh] is any kind of three dimensional wood inlaying similar to marquetry.  The term is also used for a similar technique used with small, highly polished stones carefully set in marble matrix.  It is metaphorical to this project for being organic yet multidimensional integration.

Intarsia Transethnic Arts  is  facilitated by the Intarsia Recordings, Media and Productions Co. and has more than ten years of activity and projects involving more than 8 nations.


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