|||   Production Translation |||    Production Interpretation   |||   Production Management   |||  Documentary Research |||

     Intarsia Recordings and Media
supports the effort to embrace production of international T.V. and more.  Projects include aspects such as direction, production and performance within inter-ethnic environments whether it be for scripted television, documentary, short films, other types of motion pictures as well as presentation.  Extensions of film and T.V. production that involve lecture are also a skill set managed by this division.  Most heavily thus-far, we have been involved with the creation of Japanese television productions made for broadcast/screening in Japan, yet filmed here in the United States.  Andy Bauer also acts in Japanese TV shows (clips below).  Previous projects ranged from documentary film and TV all the way to travel, game show and comedy including translation and interpretation while serving as Assistant Director, Production Coordinator, Stage Manager, PR Coordinator and General Production Management.  In the future, this division will embrace motion picture and T.V. from other countries beyond the United States and Japan.

     Up until now, staff of Intarsia have only been involved with film and T.V. productions for broadcast in Japan on Japanese television.  So what does it mean to engage inter-ethnic production management?  The challenge at hand is to assume all the responsibilities required in production work along with subjective cultural knowledge and often times a second language.  Sometimes it means knowing more than one production culture to get the job done.

Japanese Production Resume

Staff: Andy Bauer            
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:永遠の今日 (しゃっくり男)  08年(春)
Unbelievable: Eternal Day
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer            
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:客船を救った音楽家夫婦 07年(冬)
Unbelievable: Boat Rescue
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer
Unbelievable: 21 Interview (Michael Real)
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:強烈人間  08年(冬)
Unbelievable: Shocking Humans
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:タズ 07年(秋)
Unbelievable: Taz
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:雪山遭難で別居する夫婦が復縁 1 07年(冬) 
Unbelievable: Snow Mountain Rescue  Part 1
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer  
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:雪山遭難で別居する夫婦が復縁 2 07年(冬)
Unbelievable: Snow Mountain Rescue Part 2
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:ラリーの気球フライト 07年(夏)
Unbelievable: Larry's Flight
Network: Fuji Television
{Assistant Director}

Staff: Andy Bauer
世界マックスレコーズ:MAXハンター 07年(秋)
Sekai MAX Records
Network: Asahi Television
{Production Coordinator}

Staff: Andy Bauer 
平成教育委員会  07年(秋)
Network: Asahi Television
{Production Coordinator}

Staff: Andy Bauer
TSWGP '07 07年(秋)
{Stage Manager}

Staff: Andy Bauer
Gardasil 宣伝制作(アンジェリーナ・ジョリー)  07年(冬)
Gardasil Marketing Campaign (Angelina Jolie)
{Research/Public Relations}

Staff: Andy Bauer
Chikyukaido: I Love Route 66 (Masatoshi Nakamura) [Spring '07]
Network:  TV Tokyo
{Production Assistant}


     Production translation and Interpretation (PTI) is a service for foreign production companies coming from abroad to film/collect content for their video content which requires local language to target language coordination and integration.  At this point our work in this area has been exclusively Japanese T.V. related.

Japanese/English PTI Resume  

Staff: Andy Bauer
Junk Sports (Mika Saro Interview) [Spring '08]

Staff: Andy Bauer                     
開運!何でも鑑定団ラリー・ドビー   08年(冬)  
Fortune! Appraisers of Anything: Larry Doby Episode [Winter '08]

Staff: Andy Bauer                          
戦国選手インタビュー   08年(春)
Sengoku Fighter Interview 
Staff: Andy Bauer                              
地球街道:キーウェスト      08年(春)  
Chikyukaido: Keywest 
Staff: Andy Bauer                           
美の巨人たち:ティファニー   07年(冬)
Giants of Art: Tiffany
Staff: Andy Bauer                          
地球街道:西海岸         08年(春)
Chikyukaido: West Coast 
Staff: Andy Bauer                         
ウルルン滞在記:カリフォルニアの料理  08年(冬) 
Ururun - California Cuisine 
Staff: Andy Bauer      
開運!何でも鑑定団:ワゴンミュジアム   08年(冬)
Fortune! Appraisers of Anything: Wagon Museum
Staff: Andy Bauer       
ピンクレディーショー   08年(冬)
Pink Lady Show
Staff: Andy Bauer            
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:タイタニック 07年(冬)
Unbelievable: Titanic Footage 

Staff: Andy Bauer
アンビリバボ奇跡体験:サーブ盲導犬 07年(夏)
Unbelievable: Saab (Blind Guide Dog) 

Staff: Andy Bauer
Cyber University English Narrative Translation Project 

Staff: Andy Bauer            
Dのゲキジョー:ラスベガスの美川憲一スペシャル 07年(夏)
D Theatre: Las Vegas (Kenichi Mikawa Special)
{Assistant Coordinator/ Guest Actor}
*Kenichi Mikawa is Japan's most popular Enka singer.

D Theatre CLIPS (Coming Soon)

Staff: Andy Bauer
カリフォルニアの絶望な景色 (BS Japan) 07年(春)
BS Japan California's Beautiful Scenery 
{Production Manager/Assistant Director/ Supporting Actor}

BS JAPAN CLIPS (Coming Soon)



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