Inter-Ethnic Scores, the concept of this music division project is to combine aspects of score writing techniques from different countries into a unified approach.  This is not an extensive project in the music division.  So far, research has been conducted in the Ryukyu (Okinawa) musical realm on the instrument called "Shansen" (シャンセン).  And combination of their indigenous scoring system with scoring technique for the Uzbek Dutar is being conducted.

Work from the project....

     The score below was created for track 8 (Brostio-Fundio-Portio-Brundio) on Andy Bauer's: Withrough Intarsia.  Although a stretch on Intarsia's philosophy of inter-ethnic artwork... it encourporates aspects of both traditional western score creation as well as Avant Garde imagery.  In a sense you could consider the Avant Garde movement a culture of it's own, thus the this scoring fits the criterion necessary to be a part of the Intarsia philosophy.

     In the past, we have never officially published any work such as this however, Andy Bauer plans to encourparate this approach extensively into his next album release.  Please check back from time to time for updates on this project.


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