Andy Bauer Joining Taan Towch (Button Band) 
Friday  June 8th, 2012  |  9:30 p.m.
Live at 疆进酒
2号 Zhongku Hutong
Dongcheng, Beijing
TEL: 10 8405 0124 

About:  This is work done principally with Xinjiang Altai region Mongolians, as well as those from Inner Mongolia and the U.S.A.  Elements of American funk and Xinjiang Mongolian music were married thanks to a a common interest in Tuvan culture.  Six musicians including Topshur, Mourin Khuur, Khomus and other instruments, Mongolian Long Song, Tuvan Khoomei as well as elements of Altain Kai.

概要: 这是新疆阿尔泰地区蒙古人、内蒙古自治区蒙古族以及来自美国音乐家的演出。包括图瓦呼麦、蒙古长调、阿尔泰"Kai"等的嗓子元素。乐器方面包括马头琴、口琴其他西方摇滚乐器等。



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