"Duo who draw on a dizzying array of musical influences and cultures."
Li Yuting - Global Times (Related Article / Related Project)
"По стопам заслуженного артиста Республики Тыва Шона Куирка заметными темпами продвигается уроженец штата Колорадо 29-летний Энди Бауэр."
Aidysmaa Kylik - Tuvan Pravda (Related Article / Related Project)
"It's the real bones."
Prof. Zhang Haiyang / 张海洋教授
Minzu University / 中央民族大学 (Related Project)
"He intertwines the deep thrumming vocalizations of Tuvan throat singing with the sounds of a more typical indie rock singer/songwriter."
Gaby Zastrocky
(Related Project)
"Indescribable", "Amazing", "Wow", "Beautiful", "Indescribable", "Amazing", "Beautiful"
"Thank you again for an epiphany of a show","Its so good!"
"Sweet show! Thanks for the punker shamanism and running with the rabbits. Fun journey."
"Its just gonna keep getting better and better."
"Andy, you sounded better than ever. It felt like we were on a trip to a far away place. Great job!"
(تور بەتى)
曾立英 -教授
"安迪是音乐怪才", "Andy Bauer(US)与叠贵(贵州),4.26江湖酒吧演出现场,我第一次进酒吧,第一次感受现场民谣,安迪的西域风格的音乐与叠贵制作的苗族古朴新音乐,曲调迥异,引发人旷古遐想,两位歌手深情的演绎、对音乐的执着热爱感染着我。" - Suleo
“بەك قىزىقارلىق”
ئىمام مۇئەللىم
(تور بەتى)