Inter-ethnic international speaking requires integration of more than one academic culture to think critically about given subject matter. Foreign language is not mandatory, but oftentimes has profound affects on speaking and cognition style. Intarsia believes that strong emphasis on various academic cultures and participation in them as a key to improving international societies approach to tackling human problems.
International Speaking Resume
The 11th Hour (レオナルド・ディカプリオ) 上映会ツアー 08年6月
The 11th Hour (Leonardo Dicaprio) Japan Film Tour June '08
{Site Building/Interpretation/Translation/Public Relations/*Public Speaking-Lecturer}
*During the Japan Film Tour for Leonardo Dicaprio's
"The 11th Hour" Andy Bauer did lectures about the notion of
sustainable development to college students in Japan. While
speaking on stage he used Japanese language and lead critical
discussions drawing from his knowledge of both Japanese and
American environmental intellectualism.
The tour of Japan lasted for two weeks. Partnerships with Kodansha (large Japanese publisher) and other relationships were established. Screenings were held throughout the country in Osaka, Tokyo, Kanagawa as well as in Hokkaido at the 2008 Earth Summit. The producers and directors of the film did keynote speeches at the official screenings in Tokyo and Osaka. The film tour was made possible by sponsorship from Deutchers Bank Japan.
11th Hour Movie Trailer