||| Creative Website Construction ||| Text Heavy Websites and Media (Japanese/English) |||
|||   Articles   ||| Poetry & Lyrics ||| Creative Writing ||| Academic Writing ||| 

    The Textual Media division focuses on all forms of creative writings that supports other kinds of media yet maintains a certain degree of dominance in the overall product/process at hand.  As a basic principle, all literary media created including websites that display them should exhibit in some capacity the objectives of Interethnic Art.  Therefore writers must be proficient in three different written languages, and able to understand idiomatic opportunities for concept and expression borrowing undeveloped between languages.


Articles Related To Japanese Language and or Japan

Articles Related To Uzbekistan and Uighur Culture:

Articles Related To Chinese Language and or China:
☆ 我对最近中国新民间音乐的看法
☆ 蓝色狼 (كۆك بۆرە) ~ 艾斯卡尔
☆ 存在于医学人类学上的艺术现象
☆ 浅析职业和生活方式的灵感来源
☆ 浅析国内外人民不选择区域化双语教育制度的原因 
☆ 鳄鱼先生之恍然大悟
☆ 中午在午夜之梦
☆ 民族徒刑性 (将来)   
☆ 什么是非物质奴隶制  (将来)   
☆ 书籍评价 "Where Rivers And Mountains Sing"
☆ 选读书籍评价(菊与刀)
☆ 野性的思维评论
☆ 特定化艺术作为结构与能动中间的调制器


  Academic Writings

Articles In English
☆ Hypothesis About Interethnic Arts Broad-Scale Effect

☆ Academic understanding of interethnic folks studies/arts   

Articles In Japanese:

Articles In Chinese:



Take a look at the details of each website just below...

★★★Elephants With Guns Homepage (Flash)★★★

This entire interface was developed in Flash.   There are various interactive features and pictures galleries as well as a contact form synced with database.  Excellent sound effects and background music.  The site demonstrates are ability to match a musical taste with a musical concept and appropriate the needed site demeanor.


★★★Sustainable Silk Road Project★★★

    Being a serial entrepreneur out on the road makes for great reflection space.  In the summer of 2008, I journeyed across the Silk Road for several reasons.  One of the core reasons was to more fully understand and assess the state of the global environment and the pending crisis we learned so much about in the past 10 years.  As Marco Polo once did in order to bring the riches, knowledge and information via the crossroads in Eurasia... I was compelled to attempt in a similiar spirit his voyage to understand the true nature of human caused environmental destruction, it's significance in a larger historical context and most importantly to somehow capture the spirit of innovation and positivism that lead to remarkable breakthroughs in technology following the construction of the Silk Road so long ago. 

    I embarked on this journey and found it to be breathtaking, eye opening and disillusioning about the way I understood the environmental problem.  Starting with an environmental film tour in Japan with the directors and producers of "The 11th Hour" (arguably the sequel to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"), I crossed the entire silk road by land to Instanbul starting from Tokyo.  Arguably from the easternmost point to the westernmost point, and at the end of my journey I saw what I consider to be a echo from the future and at the same time, I documented the current state of the Silk Road and what the "Silk Road" actually is.

    Very little financial benefit was gained through writing material I collected produced based upon this trip.  It was a great internal investment, nothing less, nothing more.  Andy Bauer is responsible for all aspects of design, organization and coding of this site.

 ★★★11th Hour Action Japan★★★  (Sister site of http://11thhouraction.com)

    More or less a static website at this point (meaning little traffic), yet a huge huge re-understanding occurred in the construction process.  As this site is intended for Social Networking Service usage (particularly to individuals concerned about the environment) in Japan.  The entire site is in Japanese language.  I collaborated with Arika Yanaka to create this site for which we translated *together approximately 300 pages of technical text about sustainable development and post modern thinking relative to the environmental topics explored in the movie "The 11th Hour" starring Leonardo DiCaprio.  Andy Bauer and Arika Yanaka with Richard Dent are responsible for all aspects of design, organization and coding of this site.

    The site includes over 200 pages of literature in the featured section, Ideas and Experts (専門家・アイデア).  Warner Bros. has made this website the official website of the Japanese version of the "The 11th Hour" DVD release (coming out in late 2008).

    *This particularly is qualified as a form of inter-ethnic media, as I was in fact involved with the translation of this highly scientific, yet esoteric content into a language that is not my mother tongue.  In the process of translation we explored exiting frontier, trying to create the most simple terminology to convey English terminology regarding the topic of sustainability.

★★★Myanmar and Burma Organization★★★

    In the spring of 2008, a deadly typhoon devastated the coastal areas of Myanmar(Burma).  Due to the state of affairs it was difficult to provide the aid needed to save a lot of lives immediately following the storm.  Witnessing the devastation made it impossible to accept a complacent and passive position.  I showed up at the community meetings in Los Angeles (the largest Burmese community outside of the country) and try to find a place for myself amongst their correspondence with the disaster at hand.  Using my creative skills for online communication I embarked on a month long quest to convey the potential of the internet to help bring the people of this country into a state more involved with world affairs.  At the peak of it's run, I was working together with people in several countries including Japan and Kyrgyzstan.

    Brainstorming for a future project: currently this project is on hiatus but if you are interested in getting involved with the creation of a large online English database/archive of Burmese culture (food recipes, contacts, businesses, music, literature, history and more) then please contact us hereAndy Bauer is responsible for all aspects of design, organization and coding of this site.

★★★Yoma Restaurant Website (Burmese Cuisine)★★★

    Considered as a multi-ethnic restaurant and fully managed by a inter-ethnic individual.  It was my distinct pleasure to produce this website... please take a look at the beautiful and simplistic design.

★★★Intarsia Recordings and Media★★★

    This is the homepage for all the productions/projects of Intarsia Recordings and Media.  The site overviews each division of the company including, music, visual media, international tv, etc., textual media, performances, tech concepts and hr.  Andy Bauer is responsible for all aspects of design, organization and coding of this site.

★★★I Can Do Yoga★★★

    I got involved with the redesign of this site when a DVD version of the "I Can Do... Yoga" video series was released.  Tackled tri-lingual translation project management and other aspects of online marketing for the project.   My responsibilities included re-conception of the site design and user-experience.  Andy Bauer is responsible for all aspects of page flow and design management and Gloria Pashby is responsible for coding of the site.

★★★Andy Bauer Music★★★

    The initial project of Intarsia Recordings and Media was in the recording of Andy Bauer's first album, Withrough Intarsia.  Later the company extended to include other media portions, but since this is just the backbone of the company, you can find his music separately as well on this site.


★★★Andy Bauer Music (on MySpace)★★★

    This is an extension of Andy Bauer's homepage for marketing purposes.  Add me to your friends list, or share my music widget to your page or other peoples page on MySpace with the one click system.  Use of extensive MySpace profile editing systems has become very popular.  We just keep it simple and follow the Facebook trends.


Elephants With Guns MySpace


Kurt and Andy Bauer Music MySpace

Integration of Web Applications Onto Your Website By Intarsia Media 

Purchase a Zencart Install package at...

  This is an online shopping cart program for online sales for both virtual and shipped products.  This has been integrated on the Intarsia platform as well.

Purchase a Zencart Install package at...



 ★★★Foolish Behavior★★★
A skate fashion line created by Laron James in Los Angeles, CA.



★★★Hair By Cassi Joy★★★
Hair styling site for Littleton, Colorado based hair stylist.

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